Versa Marketing Inc.
Versa Marketing Inc. is an internet marketing firm specializing in affiliate marketing management. They were in need of a website backed by a robust content management system that was visually cutting-edge while still conveying trust-worthy professionalism. I implemented a Wordpress based CMS with a multi-page custom template. I was responsible for all brand and website design as well as XHTML implementation.

SilverPeak Wealth
SilverPeak Wealth is a financial planning company based in Boulder, CO. They were in need of a content management system built to manage a variety of content ranging from video to documents and blogs. The website is built on a Wordpress framework.

Meditation Prescription
The Meditation Prescription is an eCommerce website selling downloadable guided meditations. The website is a complete content management and eCommerce system. The client is able to easily edit every aspoect of site content. The site is highly widgetized, offering flexibility for adding media, content and altering the look and feel.

PR Diamond Products Inc.
PR Diamond is a leading manufacturer of professwional quality diamond saw blades and cutting equipment. They were in need of a robust ecommerce and content management system that was well optimized for search. We built the site on the Wordpress and Woocommerce frameworks.

Lotus Moments Event Center
Lotus Moments Event Center is a fantastic venue in Des Moines, IA. They host weddings, reunions, community art events and just about any other event you might think of. I developed a complete content management system that made it easy for their staff to update all aspects of the website. We also developed flash software that allows visitors to create and print their own floor plan layouts.

Nancy Winfrey
Nancy Winfrey is a clinical psychologist located in Denver, Colorado. She needed us to implement her website into clean, search engine friendly, cross-browser compatible XHTML code.

Shoshanna Adler, Ph.D.
Dr. Adler is a psychologist based in Denver, Colorado. She was in need of an informative website that conveyed trust, was easily navigable and optimized with SEO in mind. We designed a website conveying mental health, spiritual happiness and professionalism and with a user-interface that was clear and 'dummy-proof'.

Strategic Health Group
SHG is a team of healthcare consultants based in Los Angeles, CA. They came to me seeking a website that had a clean corporate look while still conveying an intimate friendly feel. SHG also wanted to have full control of the management of their content. I designed a multi-page template for a wordpress backed content management system that visually appealed to their corporate audience while still connecting with users as a small trust-worthy company.

Involutions Wellness
Involutions Wellness is a holistic wellness center in Portland, OR who specialize in energy work. They were in need of a cleanly designed content management based website that would allow their people easy access to editing text and photos. I implemented a Wordpress platform for easily making edits while still maintaining the intergrity of the look-and-feel.

Open Heart Threads
OHT is a t-shirt company based in Boulder, Colorado. All of their shirts are made from 100% bamboo fiber. A portion of their sales are donated to amazing environmental causes. OHT came to me to develop an e-commerce and content management platform. I developed an easy to manage shopping cart and customer management system that allows for optimum flexibility with images, products and other content.

Cutie Girl Designs
Cutie Girl Designs is Boulder, Colorado based illustrator Ritchie Patterson. This website was designed as a simple informational wesbite where she is able to display her work. I created a content management system that allows her to add and remove photos and update text.

Dana Raabe
Dana Raabe is an accomplished artist located in Boulder, Colorado. She was in need of a web platform for displaying her art work. Not distracting from her work was the primary goal with this webiste. I built a content management based system for easily adding and removing photos of her work. The galleries are all designed using flash and javascript.